July 23 - Finally on the boat

Things have been quiet in New York State.  We recently learned that Virginians must quarantine for 14 days if they come into New York State or Vermont.  Since we have been here since July 6th, we figure we have completed a 14 days quarantine, but it hasn't been much of a sacrifice.  Although, we do feel that it's best to enjoy the summer away from large groups of people.

Lately we have been hearing about the heat in New Jersey and Virginia.  90 to 100 degrees every day.  It has been cooler in the New York State North Country and Vermont.  Actually we have had a couple of 90 degree days, but it's also easier to cool off - happy hour in the river.  Here is Patti, Steve and Joan Butler, and Roger, Carol and Casey Bolles.

The problem isn't getting into the water, it's getting out.  And the longer you stay, the deeper it gets.

We have finally gone out on the boat.  A couple of day trips and a couple of overnights.
We took cousins Barbara, Cameron and Megan (with West Highland Terrier, Jackson) for a very quick cruise under the Crown Point Bridge and jumped in for a swim. We could smell eau de cow from all the girls that make that delicious Vermont Cheddar.  Cameron is having his birthday this week and has reached the ripe old age of 21.

Yesterday we cruised the boat down the lake about 20 miles to Chipman Point.  The marina is small, super friendly and informal and has great sunsets.  We even saw the comet last night (what's it name? - Neowise Comet?) looking back above Ft. Ticonderoga.

And today we rode our bikes into "town" (Orwell) to hit Buxton's deli, grocery & everything-else-you-could-want store.  About 5 miles each way with some pretty good hills in between.  It's amazing that we can still do it.  You will be surprised to know that at our ages we were able to ride down every hill.
And that at our ages we were able to walk up some of the hills.  I know, it doesn't look steep in the picture, but trust me it was straight up.

That's about all the excitement so far this week.  Tomorrow we will cruise back to our boat's summer home port of Port Henry and go back to Riverside for the weekend to resume sitting in the river with our friends & family.

A short note on the Coronavirus precautions in Vermont which presumably has done better at curtailing the spread of the virus:  Unlike New York State face masks are not mandatory and we went into a store where almost everyone was not wearing a mask.  We have seen maskless people being asked to leave New York State stores and public places.  Every state is different and no one really knows how stringent to be.  

And from Orwell, Vermont, stay safe.


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